Make a Loan Payment
Choose How You Want To Pay
What’s most convenient for you? Call Federal offers several convenient ways to make your loan payments.
Between Accounts Online
To make a payment from a Call Federal account, simply transfer the funds using Online or Mobile Banking. You have the option of making payments one-at-a time or setup as a recurring payment.
Call Us
Work with our Contact Center to make a loan payment over the phone.
Visit any of our branches or one of the 5,000 Shared Branch locations that we partner with nationwide.
Message Pay
You can make a secure online loan payment with any debit or banking account using our Message Pay program.*
Prefer to mail your payment with a check? Send them to our Call Federal Drive address.
Please include your loan number on the check and do not mail cash.
External Transfers
Make loan payments easy and free with External Transfers or Zelle®, available within Online or Mobile Banking. Move funds effortlessly from another bank or credit union to Call Federal!
Set It And Forget It
Let us set up your loan for recurring payments—a “set it and forget it” solution to simplify managing your loan payments.
How to use Message Pay
You’re just four quick steps away from next-level convenience.
Verify Your Account
Look for a secure message with link to a secure payment portal where you will verify your account.
Create a PIN
Create a four-digit PIN to be used for future logins.
Add a Payment Method
Add a payment method(s) and select a default option, if applicable.
Make a Payment
You’re ready! Look for loan info in the Payment tab and select “Make Payment Now” to proceed.
Have questions?
We’re here to help. Reach out to us today for more information and assistance.
*$4.99 fee applies; Credit card payments not permitted.