Money & Beyond Blog

Avoiding Romance Scams

Millions of people around the globe use dating websites and mobile apps to search for romantic partners. Sometimes, couples meet using technology and it’s love at first sight. But not everyone is actually looking for Cupid’s arrow to strike. Many are scammers aiming to meet singles for money, not for love. Romance scams cost victims an average of $2,600 per person. That’s seven … Continue reading

Credit Unions: What’s the Difference?

According to Wikipedia, early forms of banking have been around since 2000BC! The more traditional banking systems that we know today have their roots in the Renaissance and grew from there. Credit unions haven’t been around quite as long; the first credit union in the US was established in 1909. Since then, credit unions have grown to provide the same financial … Continue reading

“There is no puppy” – Avoiding Common Zelle Scams

Cashless transactions are part of today’s new normal as more consumers pay for purchases without using physical currency or cards. Digital payment apps, like Zelle®, offer a fast and convenient way to send money to people you know and trust. Naturally, scammers and thieves, never ones to miss an opportunity, are using sneaky schemes to redirect Zelle funds into their … Continue reading

A Fresh Take on New Year’s Resolutions

It’s a time-honored tradition, and it seems like everyone is in on it, in some shape or another, amplified by social media. That’s right, I’m talking about New Year’s Resolutions. Rather than picking from the usual list that so many swear to follow each year, I prefer to focus on something more meaningful – a “life resolution” that connects with … Continue reading

Uncovering Hidden Holiday Expenses

The holiday season is officially upon us! This is a perfect time to uncover some hidden holiday costs, so that you can not only set your holiday budgeting more accurately, but also pre-plan some holiday expenses in order to have a more joyful season.  Let’s take a look at a few hidden holiday expenses and some budget friendly tips and … Continue reading

3 Powerful Ways to Pay Off Debt

When it comes to improving financial health, eliminating debt is a logical starting point. After all, as a popular radio ad suggests, getting into debt is easy. Getting out of debt? Not so much. The circumstances that lead to debt can be quite personal, even emotional. Regardless of your financial goals, it is best to confront the elephant in the … Continue reading

Shared Branching – A Cornerstone of Our Industry

Shared Branching plays a vital role in the lives of our members and the credit union industry as a whole. This nationwide network enables credit union members to access essential banking services at branches other than their own, regardless of their location. By ensuring that members can conduct basic transactions seamlessly, even when traveling or relocating, Shared Branching eliminates the … Continue reading

5 Myths of Motorcycle Ownership – Debunked

When it comes to owning a motorcycle, there are many widely held half-truths that may steer you away from buying a bike. On the other hand, myths, like “it’s always cheaper than buying a car”, could prove particularly costly. As with other potentially murky financial topics, we’re here to set the record straight! Here are 5 common myths surrounding motorcycle … Continue reading

Advice from our Camper Counselors

Buying a camper will be the second largest investment many people ever make, next to the purchase of their home. Because of this, buying pre-owned is one of the most popular purchase options. But before you set up camp, here are a few things to tips that we’ve found lead to better buying decisions. Know The Value This may seem … Continue reading

The Cost of Boat Ownership

Summer is here, and if you’re an outdoor enthusiast looking for new ways to soak up the sun, getting out on the water in a boat of your own could sound like a relaxing way to enjoy the hot weather. But before you set sail make sure you calculate expenses beyond monthly payments and fuel charges to avoid your budget … Continue reading

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