Managing Your Money

A Fresh Take on New Year’s Resolutions

It’s a time-honored tradition, and it seems like everyone is in on it, in some shape or another, amplified by social media. That’s right, I’m talking about New Year’s Resolutions. Rather than picking from the usual list that so many swear to follow each year, I prefer to focus on something more meaningful – a “life resolution” that connects with … Continue reading

Uncovering Hidden Holiday Expenses

The holiday season is officially upon us! This is a perfect time to uncover some hidden holiday costs, so that you can not only set your holiday budgeting more accurately, but also pre-plan some holiday expenses in order to have a more joyful season.  Let’s take a look at a few hidden holiday expenses and some budget friendly tips and … Continue reading

3 Powerful Ways to Pay Off Debt

When it comes to improving financial health, eliminating debt is a logical starting point. After all, as a popular radio ad suggests, getting into debt is easy. Getting out of debt? Not so much. The circumstances that lead to debt can be quite personal, even emotional. Regardless of your financial goals, it is best to confront the elephant in the … Continue reading

Big Financial Dreams? Unlock the Power of Saving!

We all know that money doesn’t grow on trees! That means every time we spend, we’re making a choice – sometimes it’s as simple as deciding between a cozy night in or a fancy dinner out. Other times, it’s a tougher call, like that dream vacation versus a comfy retirement. No matter what, these decisions shape our financial future. That’s … Continue reading

Home Equity 101

Buying a home is one of life’s biggest milestones – whether it’s your very first place or your third, it’s an investment that goes way beyond just your mortgage payment. Over time, as you pay down that loan, the equity in your home can grow into a serious financial asset. And when you need some extra buying power for things … Continue reading

4 Ways To Shield Finances Against Inflation

When inflation runs high, it can feel like you’re in a financial fog that refuses to clear. But making sound, forward-thinking decisions can reduce money pressures even as prices soar. Use these tips to gain clarity during challenging economic times and make the most of every hard-earned dollar. 1. Increase Your Earnings Working additional hours for your current employer or … Continue reading

60 Years | 60 Ways to Save

As we celebrate our 60th anniversary, we thought it would be fun to pull together sixty ways to help you save money! After all, way back in 1962, Call Federal was founded by people coming together, united by the principles of saving and mutual financial success. We’ve broken our list down into eight ‘categories’, so if you’re looking to save … Continue reading

Budgeting: An Important Life Skill

Of all the basic skills we’re taught when we’re young, the one that has the most impact on our future financial independence is budgeting. When we teaching our teens (& young adults) the basics of managing money, we launch them towards a lifetime of achieving their financial goals, managing the money they earn, and developing saving & spending habits that … Continue reading