From our humble beginnings on the tobacco factory floor to the broad range of services we offer today, Call Federal has grown to meet the specific needs of the Greater Richmond community. Members of our not-for-profit financial cooperative enjoy FREE checking with instant-issue debit cards and a variety of great savings options to make the most of your hard-earned money.
I enjoy all the services of a big bank but the friendly feel of a small credit union. Call Federal has a great personal touch when dealing with members.
– Dara L., Loudoun
Quick, easy, convenient access to your money. Absolutely FREE. That's checking the Call Federal way.
Our savings accounts aren't just a great place to keep your money for future needs & wants, they're also the foundation of our credit union. Every member has one!
Kids Savings
It's never too early to have a conversation with children about money. Show them the beauty of compound interest & saving for the future with our high-yield Youth Savings accounts.
Teen Checking
Launch your teen into early financial independence with a FREE Call Federal Launch Checking account.
IRA (Individual Retirement Accounts)
If your primary long-term savings goal is to retire well, you'll want to take a look at our tax-advantaged IRAs, a valuable part of any financial portfolio.
Share Certificates
Similar to a certificate of deposit (COD) at other institutions, if you're looking to earn a little more interest on your money and won't need to access it for a set period, our Share Certificates enable you to do just that.
Money Market
Super-charge your savings with our Money Market accounts! With qualifying balances, earn increasingly higher yields without sacrificing flexibility, including the ability to write up to three checks monthly.