Money & Beyond Blog

Why Do Credit Unions Exist?

Credit unions exist because at the root of human motivation, people like to feel they are caring for themselves, rather than at the mercy of powers beyond their control. The credit union movement began in Germany during the mid-1800s, following a devastating potato famine that left many farmers and families literally starving to death. The industrial revolution was beginning, with … Continue reading

Ask Call Federal – What’s Your Credit Union Story?

In this series, each month we give our staff a question or prompt and then publish their responses here. We’re calling it “Ask Call Federal”. We thought a perfect place to start would be collecting and sharing a few stories about our staff and their experiences with credit unions prior to joining the team at Call Federal. We were touched … Continue reading

What Does “Financial Success” Mean and How Do We Get There?

Many times over the years, people have asked me, “How can I be more financially successful?” Each of us has a different understanding of what financial success is. When I was younger, I believed that simply being older allowed for a comfortable bank account, but now I know that having a plan for your money is essential to financial well-being. … Continue reading