From credit cards to student loans, debt is a constant factor in the lives of most Americans. It takes a toll on our physical & mental states, as well as our finances. At Call Federal, our mission is to build relationships that help improve people’s financial health. Debt consolidation is often a vital step along that journey.
Credit Card Balance Transfer
Consolidating multiple debts onto a low-rate credit card can be a helpful way to save while simplifying your plan to pay off those debts. During our Summer of Savings, get 2.99% APR* on transferred balances for 24 months (Standard program rate of 15.50% APR* (variable) after)
Buying a house is the single largest investment most of us will make. With a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC), the value built up in a home can be turned into the funds you need to consolidate your debt.
Personal Loans
With manageable terms, flexible payments, and no origination or prepayment fees, our personal loan programs provide a variety of options to help us help our members restructure their debt.
Using A HELOC for Debt Consolidation
In this entry on our Financial Insights blog, we share a number of benefits related to tackling debt with a Home Equity Line of Credit, such as lower interest rates, affordable payments, and a solution that can be customized to your specific needs and situation.
3 Powerful Ways To Pay Off Debt
Getting into debt is easy. Getting out? Not so much. In this post from our Financial Insights blog, we share three common yet powerful ways to tackle debt, including consolidation.